天津傲洋海事咨询有限公司(Tianjin Orient Marine Consultation Co., Ltd.),是一家由工商总局批准的检验咨询服务类机构。是一支由高学历、高素质人才组成的优秀团队。针对不同客户的要求,提供定制化的检验方案,帮助客户合理的规避风险。我们的Surveyor都是海事院校所毕业,能够高水平,高质量的完成客户委托。我们检验的标涵盖了所有件杂货或集装箱货物以及散装货等运输商品,包括运输工具和事故调查。我们在全国主要港口城市均设有办事处,能够及时快速的提供7*24全天候服务。
1.装船前检验(PSI ),确认货物质量/数量/状况/包装及标记等是否符合要求。
Tianjin Orient Marine Consultation Co., Ltd. is an independent marine and cargo survey company based in Tianjin China.?Own offices in China’s main ports. We provide wide-range comprehensive marine-related surveying services to maritime interests, Many surveyors with extensive marine industry backgrounds are available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. We can provide professional report within 24 hours after inspection, for urgent the same day report do not need extra fees. Oriented with the strategy to provide professional, client-focused and cost-effective services. Our goal is not to be the largest Marine survey company in China, but to be the best marine survey company in China.
As the shipping market weakness, so the local surveyor is more suitable and convenient for cost saving.
Our mainly service items:
1.Pre-shipment inspection to verify the cargo quality/quantity/ condition/ packing & marks etc.
2.Supervision of loading/discharge process and cargo stowage.
3.Heavy and large cargo lashing, securing condition survey.
4.Draft survey , Measurement survey ,ROB,BQS,On/Off-hire bunker & condition survey
5.Cargo damage survey including investigation of cargo shortage and loss.
6.Due diligence